ISSMFE Technical Commmittee on Landslides (TC-11)

Minutes of the Meeting Held in Hamburg, Germany,

Wednesday, September 10th, 1997

From 16h00 to 19h00


Meeting at the XIV International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,

Room 13




Cruden, Lousberg, Lacerda, Valenzuela, Faure, Picarelli, Nieuwenhuis, Sassa, Kim, Popescu, Alonso, Anagnosti, Krauter, Durville (represented by Tran Vo Nhiem), Bonnard (represented by O. Lateltin), and Locat.


Apologies: Fell, Bromhead, Schuster



1) Minutes of the meeting held in Trondheim, June 18th 1996


The minutes of the last meeting held in Trondheim were adopted.


2) Business arising from the minutes

a) 8th ISL - D. Cruden, E. Bromhead

A letter from Bronhead was distributed (Attachment #1) indicating the satus of the preparation for the 8th ISL.


b) Financial statements (see attachment) - D. Cruden


The financial statements were presented and adopted (see Attachment #2)


e) 7th ISL, L. Grande, D. Cruden


The participants are referred to a report published in Landslide News, by L Grande.



3) New business


a) The Pan American Conference on Landslides (Rio, November 1997), W. Lacerda


W. Lacerda presented the circular pepared for the 2nd Pan American Conference to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. More than 200 papers have already been accepted for the conference.

b) Les mouvements lents (L. Picarelli)


L. Picarelli reported on the 3rd Workshop of the Club des Lents which was held in Capri, Italy in May 1997. The list of the papers presented at the workshop is appended to the minutes. Some of these papers will be published in an Italian Journal.


The 4th workshop will most likely be held in June 1997 in Kingston and is organized by E. Bromhead.


One of the recommandations to come out from that workshop was the need to identify and/or support well instrumented sites which are essential for any kind of modelling.


Action: TC-11 shall encourage the establishement of well instrumented sites in various types of terrain.

Action: Picarelli to supply the list of papers at the 3rd Workshop for inclusion in the minutes. (see Attachment #3)


c) Report on IAEG Committee on Landslides - E. Krauter


IAEG has changed is name for the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment while keeping the same acronym (IAEG). The commission has been working on a questionaire for landslides.


At the next meeting of IAEG, in Vancouver, aspects of digital cartography will be discuss. We were also informed the the Swiss have edited standard procedures for landform units. Interested person could contact C. Bonnard.



d) TC. 11 on the WEB, WASSS, J. Locat, R. Faure


R. Faure reported on the status of WASSS (Wide Area Slope Stability Survey) which can be access at the following adress:


J. Locat proposed to establish a WEB site for TC-11 which would compile all relevant landslide related sites, post the minutes of the meetings, include general information such as glossaries, questionaires, etc... The WEB site could also include the list of all members of TC-11.


Action: Locat to prepare a WEB page for TC-11 early in 1998.


e) Future activities of TC-11: supporting regional training schools for mass movement



Along with the minutes was a small paragraph describing the objectives of Regional Training School. This suggestions was well received by the members. Already, Switzerland and Romania have equivalent training schools. This idea should be develop further. It should be focus on providing graduate students unique acquire fiueld training.


Action: Members of TC-11 to investigate existing schools in their country.

Action: Locat to compile this information and present it at the next meeting.


f) ISL 2004


Bids are now open for the selection of the next country to host the 9th ISL in year 2004. Appended to the minutes are the guidelines related to such a proposal from a given country (Attachment #4).


g) Other business


* A vote of thanks was proposed and adopted for all the work done by D. Cruden.


* Each country must renominate their representative on TC-11 as soon as possible.


Action: Each coutry to confirm their nomination to Locat as soos as possible


* The Comittee was informed of the Shikoku-IS on landslides to be held in 1999 in Japan. An information sheet is appended to the minutes (Attachment #5)


4) Next meeting (any suggestions for a time and place for the 1998 TC-11 meeting ?)


A possible venue for the next meeting could be in October 1998 at the time of the Symposium on Hard Soils and Soft Rocks which will be held in Napoli, Italy (Attachment #6)



Jacues Locat

Secretary of TC-11

February 1998