ISSMFE Technical Commmittee on Landslides (TC-11)

Minutes of the Meeting Held in Trondheim, Norway,

June 18th, 1996

From 17h00 to 19h00



Attendees: Fell, Lousberg, Cruden, Locat, Wang, Rybar, Faure, Krauter, Farkas, Picarelli, Yamagami, Sassa, Kim, Niewenhuis, Grande, Popescu, Jojansson (for Ottosson), Bonnard, Bromhead, Schuster


Excuses: Einstein, Lacerda, Pachakis, Valenzuela



1. Minutes of the meeting held in Copenhagen, May 28th 1995.


Minutes were approved unanimously.


2. Business arising from the minutes


2a. 8th ISL


The plans of the Australian Geomechanics Society and the British Geotechnical Society for the 8th ISL were presented by Fell and Bromhead. Members asked questions to which Felland Bromhead responded. Picarelli indicated that the Italian Society was interested in hosting a future Symposium but was not in a position to issue a formal invitation at this time. Members voted by secret ballot conducted by Locat and Schuster. For the British invitation there were 13 votes, for the Australian invitation, there were 7 votes. The 8th ISL will take place in Cardiff, U.K. from 26th to 30th, June, 2000.


Action: Cruden to write a letters to the Chairman, British Geotechnical Society and to the Chairman of the Australian Geomechanics Society.


2b. Financial statements


Financial statements were presented as appended to the minutes and approved.




Responding to a letter from D. Cruden of TC 11, the Organising Committee of the XIV ICSMFE still indicated that there would be no change in the program for the Hamburg meeting of 1997.


Action: Locat to contact Hamburg Organizing Committee to find a place and time for the next TC-11 meeting.


2d. Slope movement monitoring and modelling


L. Picarelli reported on a workshop held on April 29th and 30th in Lausanne on Slow movements monitoring and modelling. The workshop participants form the Club des lents who will most likely meet again next year in Italy. The report is appended to the minutes.


2e. 7th ISL


L. Grande reported on the 7th ISL indicating that about 250 participants were registred, some at a reduced fee. The Organizing Committee is confident in having a balanced budget. A vote of thanks was given for Norway in view of their excellent conference.



2f. 6th ISL


D. Bell, of the Organizing committee did not reply yet the a letter from D.Cruden regarding the financial outcome to TC-11 ($1,000 US). Post conference proceeedings have been published.


3. New business


3a. Report on IAEG Commission on Landslides.


E. Krauter indicated that he will chair a meeting of the Commission on June 19th and that he will report on it at the next meeting.


3b. TC. 11 on the WEB


J. Locat introduced this idea but also indicated that already two organizations are reporting on landslides: the USGS and ENTPE (WASS). He will coordinate these activities and discuss with L. Highland and R. Faure on how to set up links on the WEB.


Action: Locat to coordinate this activity and report at the next meeting.


3c. Contributions of Landslide News


TC-11 and the landslide community would like to note the excellent contribution of Landlisde News, and thanks Dr. Sassa and his group for this excellent initiative.


4. Next meeting


The next meeting will take place in Hamburg, Germany, at the time of the XIV ICSMFE.


Action: Locat to send the minutes of the Trondheim meeting and the tentative date and time for the next meeting in Hamburg.




As of August 26th 1996